• +34.664.85.09.74
  • michele.iurillo@synergo.es
Pragma Etimos Sponsor del Data Management Summit

Pragma Etimos Sponsor del Data Management Summit

Più di 250 professionisti si sono iscritti agli eventi http://datamanagementsummit.org nelle sue due edizioni spagnola (27 ottobre) e italiana (11 novembre). L’azienda italiana Pragma Etimos sará tra gli sponsor dell’evento….

Ana Ruiperez Palmero (Endesa)

Ana Ruiperez Palmero (Endesa)

The interviews with some of the protagonists of the past editions of the Data Management Summit are shown here. All the professionals who have participated in the DMS find them in the hall of fame: Ana Ruiperez Palmero, Endesa

Anna Farrés (Bismart)

Anna Farrés (Bismart)

The interviews with some of the protagonists of the past editions of the Data Management Summit are shown here. All the professionals who have participated in the DMS find them in the hall of fame: Anna Farres