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Fabio Schiera of MPS is a key speaker at the Data Management Summit 2020

Fabio Schiera of MPS is a key speaker at the Data Management Summit 2020

Fabio Schiera of MPS is a key speaker at the Data Management Summit 2020

We reveal day after day all the professionals who will participate with their papers in the most important event of data management. For the first time, a forum seeks to focus on data management as a whole, from governance, security, cloud, machine learning, data virtualization, and more. Today we introduce you to Fabio Schiera Head of Group Data Governance and Reporting Management at Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena

Tell us a bit about your career

I spent almost my entire professional life working for the MPS Group, sometimes abroad, mainly in areas that required a strong propensity for innovation. I have worked in the Finance sector in trading, asset management, new issues, post-trading, controls. After this long experience, I worked in Risk Management mainly in the area of market risks and the development of IT systems to support them. After many other experiences in the “governance” functions of the Group for some years, I have been working at the Group level in Data Governance and Reporting. I am also very involved in all our IT innovation initiatives. 

What are your challenges, what you like to do with data

I like to analyze data, understand its logical flow to rethink processes, and paradoxes on which daily operations are based on the ambition to create value where others did not see it.

Do you think companies have an adequate culture to manage data in a different way?

Data is still a “frontier” issue today. The corporate culture, a bit ‘everywhere, has increased a lot in recent years but is far from being at an optimal level for a world that is rapidly moving away from analog to digital.

What are the most important challenges for CIO, CDO, CTO in 2020?

2020 is a year profoundly different from the others and escapes normal programming. Today, all of us who work in the banking system must commit ourselves so that our actions are aimed at real, concrete, and timely support to our clients. Improving the quality of data also means facilitating the delivery of state aid, helping the green transition, helping the Bank make itself available to the country at such a difficult time.

In a normal year, I would have said that making “viral” the cultural change is and will still be for a long time the most important challenge.

What do you want to talk about at the Data Management Summit?

I would like to talk about the business processes that determine the placement of a function that by definition is transversal in a specific organizational field and I would like to talk about how we reconstruct the culture and knowledge of the past through the analysis of our data and systems. 

Did you support the event from the beginning, why?

I am always very much in favor of sharing information, methodologies, thoughts. We are fortunate to work in a very open and transversal field which includes Banks, Insurance Companies, Public Administrations, Companies, Research Centers, Schools, Universities… the creation of solid communities of experts is a critical success factor the Summit is certainly one of the most important events in which to deal with our topics.