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Jose Maria Arce Argos from Zurich Santander will talk about analytical data models in his paper for the Data Management Summit

Jose Maria Arce Argos from Zurich Santander will talk about analytical data models in his paper for the Data Management Summit

Jose Maria Arce Argos from Zurich Santander will talk about analytical data models in his paper for the Data Management Summit

We are revealing day after day all those professionals who are going to participate with their presentations in the most important event of Data Management. For the first time a forum tries to focus on Data Management as a whole, from governance, through security, cloud, machine learning, data virtualization and much more. Today we present José María Arce Argos, Chema Arce for everyone.

Tell us a little about your professional career

Professional dedicated to consulting for more than 29 years. Specializing in 1994 in Business Intelligence & Data Warehouse, having the privilege of being a student of Ralph Kimball. Passionate, evangelist, and promoter of the evolution of BI in Spain to date.

In my professional career, I have evolved from technical positions to managerial skills, covering from Delivery Management to Business Generation. I have led the direction and management of specialized units of Business Intelligence, CRM, Big Data & Business Analytics, providing my services in leading companies such as IBM, SAS Institute, Ernst & Young Consultants, Bull Spain, Accenture and, currently, Zurich Santander Insurance America. 

In my teaching facet, I have been a professor for more than 10 years, in several Masters in ESIC and ICMD, president of several conferences of Business Intelligence and Big Data, I have made several presentations in Universities and currently collaborated in a Master of Big Data and I am Associate Member of DAMA Spain and Responsible for the Data Architecture and Storage Committee. Author of the “Business Intelligence Blog (BIB)”, as well as collaborations and articles in various media such as La Razón, La Revista Gestión del Rendimiento, Novatica and in specialized BI portals (Todo-BI, BI-Spain).

What are your challenges, what do you like to do with the data?

Data itself is an exciting challenge and how, from it, we can obtain relevant information and business knowledge. In short, I have been claiming for almost three decades that data is one of the main assets of companies and how, after proper treatment and governance, it can generate business value in all areas. 

Do you think that companies have an adequate culture to manage data in a different way?

Step by Step, between all of us, we are putting light and giving the data the value it deserves. In good measure, thanks to the companies that have been born under digital business models, applying mathematical models and AI, they have shown us that it was possible to make good decisions around data. Now, after this already known path, companies are turning to data, defining new roles, capacities, responsibilities and we are starting with strength the path of innovation based on data.

Yes, we are changing. Just look at our precious Data Management Summit 2020 event. Now the data speak, the Chief Data Officer (CDO) speaks, and our existence and weight in large companies are growing. Even in the most mature companies, we have our place on the boards of directors. 

We still have a long way to go and a lot of value to contribute, but the most difficult “business change” is already underway.

What are the most important challenges for the CIOs, CDOs, CTOs in 2021?

  • Business, business, and business 
  • Working in alignment to offer the best business service 
  • Monitoring and adaptation of technological innovation to provide value in an agile and efficient way.

Businesses are changing, the patterns of customer behavior much more. Now more than ever we must put the customer at the center of our value chain. CTOs, CIOs and CDOs have the difficult challenge of making the difficult easy, making the new technological paradigms accessible in a governed way to get the maximum benefit and value for the business. Offering high capacities with unprecedented agility to be ahead of the competition, to know the desires of our customers, and to offer in time and form products that fit the reality of the same at that precise moment.

What do you want to talk about inside the Data Management Summit?

This year we are playing a classic, but always in full swing. We will talk about the value and need for analytical data models. Drawing attention to the importance of them, identifying the value they bring, their possible alternatives, the relationship with new technological paradigms, such as Big Data. 

The new architectures do not give the value of the models, on the contrary, they open new alternatives, complementary solutions, and new capacities of computation and greater efficiency. We will talk about the importance of having a double speed in data analysis to satisfy the business. We will highlight how the absence of a robust model, in any of its aspects, does not favor us in the medium or long term. The deployment of independent information solutions in silo format has not only not solved the operational chaos but on the contrary. This form of independent implementation, usually without data management, is leaving us with a new scenario, informational chaos.

From the beginning, you have supported the event, why?

For someone with such a high dedication to the world of data, it is an event that I cannot miss. Last year I participated and enjoyed it very much. It is comforting to meet other colleagues, share experiences, successes, and even failures because it all adds up.

And, of course, you can’t miss the group dynamics… come and enjoy the Data Management Summit 2020, our great event. It’s a great event for data management enthusiasts. Once again, it will be an honor to share visions and knowledge with all of you.