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International Edition
Scott Taylor will be at Data Management Summit International Edition 2021

Scott Taylor will be at Data Management Summit International Edition 2021

Scott Taylor will be at Data Management Summit International Edition 2021

We unveil day after day all those professionals who will participate with their presence within one of the most important event of the Data Management. For the first time, a forum tries to focus on data management in its entirety, from governance, through security, the cloud, automatic learning, data virtualization and much more. Today we introduce you Scott Taylor well knowed like “The Data Whisperer” from MetaMeta Consulting that will be a facilitator of roundtable: Master Data: ¿The Source of Truth? A new challenge in Data Architecture scheduled for 17th March

It is a pleasure and an honor for me to have such an important figure as Scott at the Data Management Summit International Edition, it took some convincing but it was worth it. Thank you for being part of this event.

Tell us a little about your professional career

I’m known as The Data Whisperer and act as Principal Consultant for MetaMeta Consulting – A Data Story Boutique. We help people tell their data story by enlightening business executives to the strategic value of master data and proper data management. I focus on business alignment and the “strategic WHY” rather than system implementation and the “technical HOW.”

As The Data Whisperer, I help calm data down. That’s what we all do in the data management space is calm data down. Data is unruly, data is corrupted, data is big, data is unstructured, it needs to be calmed down. As people learn to improve data quality and grow their data management skills, they will become Data Whisperers too. 

I am an avid business evangelist and original thinker, and continually shares my passion for the strategic value of master data through industry events, public speaking opportunities, blogs, videos, whitepapers, podcasts, cartoons, puppets shows and all forms of thought leadership. 

I have worked with global enterprises by representing some of the world’s most iconic business data brands including Dun & Bradstreet, Nielsen, Microsoft and WPP/Kantar in a variety of strategic marketing, GTM, innovation and consulting roles. 

I live in Bridgeport, CT where I often kayak in Black Rock harbor. I can also juggle pins and blow a square bubble!

Great skills and great aptitudes I also do Triathlon in Menorca but I’m a bit lost on the subject of juggling. 🙂

What are your challenges, what do you like to do with the data?

If you are familiar with the classic database and software design phases of conceptual, logical, and physical: I am fantastic at conceptual, I can get technically through logical, but I don’t get physical. I don’t touch anything. I leave that to the data engineers, architects, and other practitioners who know how to get those things done. I have great respect for that expertise. I have none of it.

I look for the essence of things. I spent time boiling concepts down. The data and technology space can get very complicated and confusing very quickly. I like to talk about it in straightforward accessible ways that get people excited about something they didn’t realize they should be doing. That’s my forte – finding those nuggets, those stories, those examples, those constructs to describe very complicated parts of data.
While data storytelling and data literacy efforts are gaining market traction, these tend to be more focused on using business intelligence and analytics outputs in a business setting or a relationship-building process. Data Storytelling is predominantly telling stories with data. A data management narrative, however, focuses on telling stories about the data.

Do you think that companies have the right culture to manage data in a different way?

Most businesses talk about needing data management without overtly mentioning it. It is whispered between the lines of strategy statements and behind the scenes of major corporate initiatives. Yet, MDM has a foundational role in enabling mission critical priorities related to relationship types and business entities

Today everybody’s about digital, they’re about cloud, they’re about hybrid, they’re about analytics. They are about fabric and mesh and all these other cool super things. Those all need structured content. So, MDM is macro-trend agnostic. No matter where we’ve been, no matter where we’re going, no matter where we are now, whatever the future is, we’re always going to need structured content about the basic entities that business is all about. 

Data management leaders who seek to improve soft skills and execute simple storytelling techniques will be more likely to gain a rightful place for their initiatives on their organization’s strategic plan.

What are the most important challenges for CIO, CDO, CDO, CTO in 2021?

Data management is one of the most important, and overlooked, competencies at most enterprises. It is an unsung hero behind many business initiatives. C-Level data leaders must fund and support data management as a systematic, consistent, fundamental part of their business. Not a project, but a program, Not a tactical exercise, but a strategic imperative. 

The value of every digitally transformative customer-facing initiative, every data science and analytics-based project, every as-a-service offering, every foray into e-commerce, and every enterprise software implementation is inextricably linked to the successful output of your data management efforts.

To better leverage the value of data management across an enterprise, the essentials must first be understood. To win business leaders over, CIOs, CDOs and CTOs need to tell a better data management story.

You’ve supported the event from the beginning. Why did you do that?

I am always looking for ways to help data leaders explain what they do in a more business-friendly way. I have a career of experience telling data management stories. But most people, on both sides of this storytelling effort, have trouble getting it straight. They are data practitioners and data leaders by trade but lack some of the soft skills needed to communicate to the business effectively. My intention is to help data management experts learn a more practical approach that helps business leaders understand.

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

You can always find me on LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottmztaylor/

I also have a YouTube channel with over 50 videos on the ways to explain and articulate the power and value of data management. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLashWxBySOAOKUtvn2NTBQeENJTLB8NoS

My most popular video is a puppet show TOO MUCH TECH TALK staring the CDO (Chief Dog Officer) and the IT Bee https://youtu.be/_JQ3HriEK0E

My book, TELLING YOUR DATA STORY – Data Storytelling for Data Management offers thoughts, tips and tools to make your data management story end happily ever after. And it’s 99% BUZZWORD FREE!

The book is available on Amazon and directly from the publisher, Technics Publications

Please use promo code DATAWHISPERER to save 20% when purchasing directly from the publisher site.

Buy from Technics Publications https://technicspub.com/data-storytelling/

About DMS

The DMS is a unique event to guide the data management community in the technological landscape, talking more about solutions than platforms. It wants to be an open discussion forum to share experiences and use cases. A fundamental summit for CIO, CTO, CDO, CDO, System Director, Data Scientist who implement emerging technologies to solve new technological challenges and align with new business opportunities.Only CIO, CDO, CTO, Systems Director, BI Manager, IT Consultant, IT Department profiles will be accepted. It is mandatory to insert the LinkedIn profile in the form. Filling in the form will not be considered an admission. Admissions will be confirmed by e-mail. The web address for participants is: http://datamanagementsummit.org